
License TypeMultiply by
Standard Licensex1
Single Commercial Licensex3
Extended Licensex4

Standard License

By purchasing and downloading this file, you are entitled, as buyer, to use it in an unlimited number of websites and other multimedia projects, personal and client work. You may not redistribute / resell the functionality provided with the purchased product without the author's and / or AbTheme written permission, but you may modify its content. In case you want to use the product for a commercial project then you will have to buy the "Single Commercial License".

Single Commercial License

By purchasing this license, you are entitled to use the product in one commercial project (websites, CD-ROMS, offline presentations etc). You may not redistribute the product but you may modify its contents. In case you want to use the product in multiple commercial websites, then you will have to buy the "Extended License".

Extended License

This license grants you, the purchaser, a non-exclusive, non transferable license to make the product that you acquire available for use and display by an unlimited number of your clients in conjunction with a web site service that you host on behalf of your clients. You can make unlimited copies of the product within the scope of this license but you must procure that your clients do not reproduce or use the product in another application. You must not display the product in such a way as to suggest that the product was created by you.

Usage TypeStandardSingleExtended
Unlimited number of non-commercial projects   
Unlimited use in the same project   
Use in single commercial project   
For your client's single commercial project   
Multiple commercial projects   
For your client's multiple commercial projects   

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